free online soccer manager

Santa Monica FC Online blog

Small interface fixes

Small interface fixes were introduced for Chrome-like browsers to keep the icons and texts less confusing.

SMFCO re-opened

SMFCO re-opened

The game is right now available, although keep in mind that there still might be some problems with data structure. We made the changes that adapted the game to the database system on the new server, but we are still testing parts of the interface.

Small bug fixes

Small bug fixes

Small bug fixes were introduced: - after game start the difficulty level / skill type was missing or display wrong value, despite game running on correct settings, - close button on transfers player details was sometimes working incorrectly...

National team upgrade

National team upgrade

Niklas Perssons Project game mode just got an upgrade - more details of players are available, like the level of division they play right now, what is their status in their club, stats from current season, as well as additional events that ...

Football-o-Rama re-opens

Football-o-Rama re-opens

Our multiplayer online soccer manager Football-o-Rama just re-opened after few years of hiatus - you can now register, create club, join division and take part in friendly games that are runup to the regular season. If you liked Santa Monic...

Tiny problems ahead

Tiny problems ahead

We are in the middle of server upgrade and it might cause some problems in the game. We are working on solving them, but if you stumble upon something not working properly please let us know.

Football-o-Rama demo

Football-o-Rama demo

Our upcoming multiplayer online soccer manager game is close to being re-opened (in next 2 weeks, I hope). We just put together a demo, in which you can take a look at the basics of the game. The main concept and interface are close to thos...

Football-o-Rama polls

Football-o-Rama polls

While we are working on our multiplayer football manager game, Football-o-Rama, we would like to ask you to take part in the online polls that would help us work out the details just before the premiere. It will take just few minutes of you...

It is the season to be jolly

It is the season to be jolly

Since none of us had much to be jolly about this year, due to COVID-19 and other stuff, we decided to give you all a small present during this Christmas - from today until end of the year that should be forgotten, everyone can play up to 10...

Small update

Small update

Small update: - bug was removed that in some cases hidden team fit parameter on training page, - basic match statistics are now visible in the highlights from previous match, - re-balance of inherited squad in first season was introduced, s...

Interview for NewRPG


Santa Monica FC Online Football manager blog

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